In case you are wondering why I write this blog, go HERE


...the most WONDERFUL time of the year

It really is.
Sending lots of love and thoughts your way...

Merry Christmas My Love!




I should be in bed right now, but sadly the computer is winning.

Why you ask?

Well, I started looking at old holiday photos of US together. Back when it was JUST us and then to the days when it was ALL of us...

Those were the days, look at those baby faces:
December 2002
Our first Christmas married and our 1st yr anniversary
(Hallie was around for these pictures too, but since she was only about the size of a Lego man you can't really see her ;)

...and then to December 2008
6 years and 2 kiddos later

Wish I could go back to this time 2 years ago...

LOVE my family and always LOVING you.
