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Today is a special day-it's your BIRTHDAY!

~Your 31st Birthday~

Of course it would be VERY easy to get sad about NOT being able to celebrate such a day with you. But we don't like to sulk around, so we will try to do the exact opposite. I asked the kids what they would like to do for your birthday and this is the list they came up with...

~Send balloons up to Heaven {I'm so glad we started doing this tradition}
~Go to Daddy's favorite restaurant -I asked what restaurant and this was Hallie's reply:
Hallie: The peanut butter one!!!
Me: What is the peanut butter one?
Hallie: You know, the one where you eat the peanuts and throw the shells on the floor?!?
Me: {Laughing really hard} Ohhhhhh, you mean Texas Roadhouse?!?
Hallie: Ya, ya THAT place

~Have a dance party with Dad's favorite music {we like music and we LovE to dance}
~Sing Happy Birthday and eat cake
~Play Dad's favorite game {not quite sure what that was :/}
~and then... we can watch Daddy's video! {the life slide show played at Ryan's funeral- I can't wait to share it with all of you when I get to finishing his TEAM RYAN blog...}

How awesome are those kiddos?!?
They just planned a super fun day for ALL of us in YOUR honor. Of course they did start adding in a bunch of activities THEY wanted to do and we may just slip a few of those things in as well;) But no matter what, we are going to make YOUR special day as happy and memorable as possible.

~Happy Birthday Ryan~
We LOVE You!
I hope you are enjoying an eternity of Heavenly celebrations...



Jared and Taralie said...

What a great post! Your kiddos are sooo sweet. Sounds like they planned a great day. Happy Birthday to Ryan!!!

Katelin said...

What a great way to celebrate! You are all awesome!

Mindy Burns said...

Happy happy birthday Ryan!!! You have the most awesome family ever!!!

Ryanne said...

What a wonderful day you have planned! What a wonderful way to spend Ryan's birthday. I guess its possible to make me smile and cry at one time because this made me do it.

Nicolle Robidart said...

I love it!! Hope you and the kids have a wonderful day!! Happy Birthday Ryan!

Rick said...

Happy Birthday Ry!!! I know you're smiling at your beautiful family!

The Bloxham Bunch said... are simply wonderful. I love the way you celebrate his life.You brought a big smile to my face and tears to my eyes.

Agnes said...

I love this post! What a great way to celebrate his birthday! He was such a CUTE kid...just like Max!!!

I think I'm going to go eat at Texas Roadhouse in Ryan's honor. :)

We love and miss you guys!

Unknown said...

Your kids are awesome! That is seriously cool. Wouldn't be surprised one bit if Ryan stopped by and celebrated with you for some of it =c)

Heather said...

LOVE sending the balloons up to Heaven idea. Such good ideas from your little people. I cant believe how much Max looks like Ryan when he was little...awesome! Happy Birthday Ryan!

Brooke Hunt (aka Mr. Burns) said...

Max DOES look like Ryan when he was little... so cute! Hallie was most excited to tell me about the balloons up to her dad... what an awesome, concrete way to show love & Heaven... I bet he got them :) You are so wonderful Margie!