A mom who likes to take photos + an adorable birthday boy = LOTS and LOTS OF PICTURES
(Consider THAT your warning ;)
This was 100% HIS choice of songs, he LOVES them!
On November 17, 2006 our life was greatly blessed with the addition of our sweet, baby boy:
*Max is our SILLY boy*
He says funny things and will do crazy things just to make us laugh.
He loves his "STHith-tuh" and looks forward to her arrival after school.
Hallie is his BEST friend.
Max has always been the mellow-er of our two kids- he is a chill little guy (much like his Dad). He enjoys being outside, watching TV and LOVES playing on ANYTHING electronic.
He loves ALL things with motors. If it can go "vroom vroom" you will find him trying to drive/ride it!
He enjoys playing with (and on) cars/tractors and plays with Lego's on a daily basis.
He loves guns and pretend shooting and will use just about anything to be his makeshift "gun." He really likes tools and anytime he sees them he tries to "help" fix something.
I can't believe our Curious George watching, Where the Wild Things Are reading, itouch loving tot is now 4...
(Max LOVES watching Curious George EVERY morning and when Ryan saw this book he knew he had to get it for his little "monkeys")
?!?!Wow... 4... ReAllY?!?!
The night before, I got all the presents out so Max had something FUN to wake up to.
crepe papered his bedroom door:
Max woke up BRIGHT and early. He was SO excited to open presents...
BUT he didn't want to break through his door, so he spent the day getting in and out of his room like THIS:
(He loved it... but I got tired of it REAL fast)
After we got Hallie off to school, it was time to get some balloons and head off for a birthday photo shoot...
So this picture BEST describes Max's personality:
"How old are you Bubz"
~Smile Bubba~
Ha ha... I get this look A LOT:
It's called the "Seriously Mom?!? You want ANOTHER picture" look
Man oh man... what a handsome little feller WE have
After the shoot, we rushed home to get everything ready for the Birthday Party.
I wanted something EASY and no stress...
So I opted for a party at the park, ordered pizza and bought cupcakes. (Am I lazy, or just smart?!?!?! I say SMART!!!!)
Someone just had to take a little sneak peak...
(definitely his FATHERS son!!!)
Let the present opening BEGIN:
A POP gun
Who'd ever think sugary cereal would make a boy SO happy...
...that's what happens when your Mom doesn't buy it (I know, I'm mean like that!)
~Happy Birthday to YOU~
It was a fun party, but the fun wasn't over yet...
It was time to head off to the Tucson Children's Museum. Max LOVES the Children's Museum and asks frequently when we can go. He was SO excited to be going to his favorite place.
The excitement lasted only a short while because this BIRTHDAY BOY was out fast
The cat nap gave him all the energy he needed to let LOOSE and have a blast.
Children's Museum fun:
I love Max's little cheekies, they are getting less chubby as he gets older. Ryan always thought I was a little weird when I would say this, but I think they are so cute I just want to take a little nibble.
Yes, that's right...on those little cheekies right THERE:
Once home, we opened the remaining family presents:

sang the final Happy Birthday for the day
Max wanted another construction cake for his birthday. Definitely not my best work, but he was happy and that's ALL that matters!
Happy Birthday Bubz
Thank you for brightening our lives with your wit and laughter
~We love you~
It was a wonderful day. So glad we could ALL be there for it...